Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Monday: Day One, Welcome!

Wow, What a busy first day we had, getting to meet everyone and unpack our things! We have a very diverse group, with people who are shy, loud, energetic, sleepy, but most of all happy to be here. We started the day off by looking around the camp grounds and learning some of the rules (not always the most popular thing, but one of the most important)
Looking at the rooms with Skipper

Learning the rules!

After everything was understood with rules and we all unpacked, it was time to make some camp flags: anything that we thought represented tolerance. They were all really great! Here are just a few:

After finishing the flags and eating some dinner, it was time for a few more games with the assistants: Bubbles, Sassy, and Skipper

Sassy Checking the line: Line up oldest to youngest, with no talking

Balloon Game questions: Do you have any pets? What is your favorite food?

Bubbles helping campers to draw an elephant... Blind-folded

Skipper trying to help draw an elephant too
Over all it was a great first day, and by the end everyone was very ready to go to bed for the night. Surprisingly even all of the boys were quietly in their beds with the lights out by 10:00. They must have all used their energy on a full day of traveling, playing games, meeting new friends, and practicing English! With so many great people, this first day was a just a preview of what a great week it will be!

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